Matti Niinimäki

Tree Review

The saying goes: "You can't see the forest for the trees." I think that it is a great metaphor and useful in many situations, but not when talking about actual trees. I find that people often can't see the trees for the forest. The individual trees just all blend into the forest and people rarely stop to observe them.

Tree Review is a project that started already over a year ago. It is a project about trees, photography and storytelling. It is also a diary hidden behind humor. Sometimes it is based on a true story, sometimes it is complete fiction. Sometimes it is a political commentary, sometimes it is just a joke.

Basically, I take pictures of trees and review them. Then I post them online.

For the course, I considered making some completely new work, but my thoughts kept coming back to the Tree Review. Especially since the whole project started while cycling to the same locations that we visited during the course. I wrote the first two reviews of the project near the Fastholma villa.

At the same time, I didn't want to just repeat what I have already been doing for a while, so I thought of ways I could make the project also exist in the real world. How could I make passers-by stop to think about their surroundings and all the little details that go unnoticed? I decided to bring the reviews to the actual trees in a subtle, but still noticeable way.

I created some physical signs that I could attach to the trees I review. The signs are made of thin plywood and they are attached to the trees with a string. This works for now, but I would like to find some other way to make the signs, so that I could leave them to the trees without harming them or the surrounding environment in any way. These ones I will have to go collect back at some point.

The locations of the new reviews are marked on the map below. By clicking the markers you can find a link to the actual review.

Tree Review website
Tree Review on Facebook

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