Eriko Ishii

Beautiful Nature

I came to Helsinki only a month ago. The design, nationality, language, they bear many similarities to Japan, which make me get used to my new life soon. Besides, this country is the most favorite country for me now because the atmosphere in Finland is much more relaxed than in Japan. 

We are so busy and restless that we could have a serious social problem which more and more office workers fall ill because of overwork.Life in Tokyo was suffocating. There is no time and heart to spare.

More people in Finland enjoy in nature and it seems to be important time for them. There are many parks near from central area. Even in downtown they have squares. You can go in forest within few minutes by bicycle.

I love this place. The vast view and sound of wind are so comfortable.

I enjoyed foraging in the city as well. It was direct communication with nature. 

I really like Finland because of nature. Spending time in nature makes people restful and relaxed. But, I am sad because there are many trashes there. It is not difficult at all to throw them in the place they should be. Why do people leave them in such a beautiful place after they enjoy the beautiful place? I was so disappointed that I decided to use trashed for make art.

This is my first art work ever. (Actually I had no idea what I can do with them, so I googled "how to make art" but there is no answer...)

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